Art Credits!!

MimiBerry Design, ref sheet, and summer Vroid model: PastrieBunLive2D Model and Rigging: XelaFinaLogos: Alice Lidell, Illy and MaerziStream Alerts: Jane, Xypop, and MikaSpongeBob Dumbass screen: IllyPanels: IllyBerry Berry Intro Music: taitokiStarting Soon Screens: Ichigo and yanogohanriceBumper Video Transition: hafidh16Berrytchi design and Model: Jane POKOPIPOBerrytchi Rig: SnafupopBG: Okumono1 and Freya AmariSchedule Template: Elio LappiStream Overlay: antivvibuEmotes: Mari, Ichigo,, and IllyBanner birthday party scene pixel art: IchigoSkeb creds: